5 Benefits of Choosing Shopify As Your Ecommerce Host
21 Jun

5 Benefits of Choosing Shopify As Your Ecommerce Host

By admin

You may have heard a lot of talk about Shopify recently. With a software system that allows you to easily build, manage, and monetize an eCommerce store, more are turning to it as a company they can rely on for their online commerce needs. And with over $80 million in investment capital behind it, there’s no doubt that Shopify has a lot to gain by helping webmasters make more money. However, does it have everything you need to build your eCommerce store successfully?

The truth is, it has most of the things you’ll need to put your store together. For example, there are easy to use admin panel for managing your store. This includes tools for building categories, subcategories, and shopping cart options. You’ll also find plenty of plug-ins available, which allows you to customize your site in many ways. There are many advanced features available as well, such as built-in SEO, custom widgets, and page counter stats.

But what else is there to consider when you choose Shopify for your online store? Let’s take a look at a few key areas. These are all areas where you may want to pay more attention. They’re not the only things to consider, though. But they should give you an idea of how important those two things are.

Shopify offers a complete eCommerce solution. This includes storefronts that are fully integrated with both the payment gateway and the sales management system. It makes for easy administration of both features, as well as a more secure store architecture. Another benefit to integrating your site with this system is that it provides your store with a better search engine optimization. The best thing about having a fully integrated system like this is that your store will appear higher in search results when people are searching for specific products or keywords.


With Shopify, you can also choose to use PayPal for payment processing instead of using their other alternative, MasterCard. While PayPal has become more trustworthy in the online world, it does have its drawbacks. You have to have a valid PayPal account in order to be accepted for credit cards by the payment gateway. This can make accepting payments from a wider range of countries a bit more difficult. But if you have a good payment gateway, then this shouldn’t be too much of a problem.

Another key feature with Shopify is its ability to provide third-party shopping cart add-ons. These add-ons make your online store much more versatile and allow you to customize it in many ways. For example, you can add your own store-front or a payment gateway. You can even integrate it with a database of items, which will allow you to build up inventory very quickly. And once your inventory reaches a certain point, you can easily add new products to your cart with just a few clicks of the mouse.

One of the most impressive features that Shopify has to offer to its users is its integration with Google Checkout. Google Checkout is an ecommerce solution that will allow you to accept credit cards online. You don’t need to have a separate checkout system for your store. All you have to do is to install the Google checkout software on your website and all of your customers will be automatically redirected to your online payment gateway when they enter their personal details. This is a very important feature for any ecommerce store because customers want to know that they are completing a secure transaction with a reputable and reliable online store.

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In addition to these features, there are other more advanced features like Google Custom Ads and Google Translate. You can also integrate Google’s AdSense into your store. There are a lot of other advanced add-ons you can find with Shopify, such as photo galleries, blog facilities, surveys, coupons, and more. So if you’re looking to start an online business that offers a wide variety of products or services for affordable prices, then you should definitely consider shopping on shoplift.