How to Involve Your Audience in the Event Planning Process_
22 Jul

How to Involve Your Audience in the Event Planning Process_

By admin-2

The next time you’re planning an event, don’t be afraid to get your audience involved. They might have some great ideas on how to make it more enjoyable and memorable for them, which can help improve the overall experience and keep them coming back for more. So, if you want your next event to be as successful as possible, take these steps:

Step 1: Know your audience

The first step in involving your audience is to get to know them. You should know their needs and interests, as well as what challenges they’re facing. For example, if you’re planning an event for healthcare professionals, it might be helpful to know that many of them are working with limited resources (time, money).

You’ll also want to understand any pain points that exist around making decisions about attending events such as yours. What are some things that could make it easier for these individuals? Do they need more information about the event before making a decision? Or maybe they simply need someone like yourself who has been through this process before so that they can ask questions along the way instead of feeling lost when things don’t go according to plan (which happens all too often).

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Step 2: Get to know your audience’s needs and interests

The next step is to get to know your audience’s needs and interests.

This can be done through a variety of methods, including:

  • Asking questions to discover what they want from your events.
  • Using industry research to inform the planning process.
  • Understanding what’s happening in the world around you (e.g., news stories or trends) so that it makes sense for your event theme/content, too!

Step 3: Use industry research to inform the planning process

At this point, you should have a pretty good idea of what your audience wants and how you can meet those needs. But if you want to make sure that your event is going to be a success, it’s important to look at the bigger picture of what’s happening in the world around us.

Look at industry research on competitors’ events or other similar events in your area. You may find that some things are working better than others: maybe they’re offering freebies or working with local charities more than others do. These kinds of insights will give you ideas for making yours stand out from the crowd–and help ensure success!

Step 4: Ask questions to discover what they want from your events

Now that you know what your audience wants from the event, it’s time to ask questions. The goal here is to discover their preferences and expectations for the experience they want at your events. Here are some things you could ask:

  • What kind of events do they like?
  • What would be a good location for an event like this?
  • When do they want to attend an event like this (day/time)?

Step 5: Conduct market research to determine which event services are being used by your target audience

The next step in the process is to conduct market research to determine which event services are being used by your target audience. It’s important to do this step because it will help you make better decisions about what kind of products and services need to be offered at the event, as well as how much money should be spent on them.

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You can conduct market research by asking questions, searching the internet and talking with people who have attended similar events in the past (such as past attendees). Ask yourself:

  • What kind of events have they attended?
  • Were there any specific things about those events that made them successful?
  • How could we incorporate those ideas into our own?

Step 6: Understand what’s happening in the world around you

The world around you is constantly changing, and that’s not a bad thing. It means that there are new opportunities for growth and innovation, which can be applied to your event planning process. As an example: when we launched our first event in 2017, one of our biggest challenges was finding a venue that could accommodate our needs. The space needed to have an open floor plan, so attendees could move easily between sessions, but also had enough room at each table, so they felt comfortable during discussions with speakers or other attendees. In addition, we needed access to power outlets, so people could charge their phones during breaks between sessions (you know how it goes!).

However…we failed miserably at finding this kind of venue! If this happens again next year–and there’s no reason why it shouldn’t, I’ll know ahead of time what my options are now based on what happened last year; maybe I’ll find something better than before!

Step 7: Utilize event engagement tools

In order to make your event successful, you need to get your audience involved and interested in the process. The best way to do this is by using various event engagement tools that allow them to interact with each other and with you, as well as learn more about what’s going on at the event in real time. You can also use social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter for this purpose, but there is also a great option out there.

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Surveys – Surveys are a great way for people who aren’t able to attend an event physically due to location or cost reasons to still feel connected with those who have attended it by providing them with information about what happened during sessions or presentations at those events through surveys sent out after they’ve taken place (or even during if time allows). Surveys should always include questions related specifically back onto topics covered during sessions/presentations so that everyone feels included regardless of whether they were actually present physically or not!

The more you know about your audience, the better you’ll be able to serve them

One of the most important things you can do as an event planner is to learn as much about your audience as possible. This will help you create a more personalized experience for them, which will make them feel like they’re getting exactly what they want.

It’s also important to remember that your customers don’t always know what they want–and even if they do, their needs may change over time or vary depending on where they’re located or who else is attending the event. By knowing more about your attendees’ preferences and behavior patterns, it’ll be easier for you as an organizer to cater towards those needs while still keeping things fresh enough so that people won’t get bored by repetition or monotony in their experiences (which could lead them away from coming back).


In the end, you want to be able to provide your audience with what they need. This means knowing how they think, what they want and how they engage with events. By taking some time to get to know your audience better–and by asking them questions, so they can tell you–you’ll be able to plan better events that will keep them coming back for more!