How Keyword Research Works in SEO
16 Apr

How Keyword Research Works in SEO

By admin

Keyword research plays a major role in SEO. It helps marketers identify the most used keyword and phrases that people will be entering in the search engines. It makes an approximation of the searched keywords and based on that, determines the rank of a website, blog or web page.

It is not just about analyzing the search related to each keyword but also identifies how often it can be intertwined by users using different languages for the search query. Keyword research is a compulsory technique if you are creating a new website or blog to help your content or business reach the audience.

How Keyword Research Works in SEO

  1. Create important topics relevant to your business

For successful keyword research, first, you need to jot down a few topics that can be generated from your business. For example- if you are a company providing designing & development service, you can generate topics like Mobile Application Development, Website Development, Web Development Service, Design and Development, Development tools etc. These are the topics commonly entered by users to search for web development.

  1. Assign Keywords to the topics

After noting down the topics related to your business, you need to fill those topics with relevant keywords. For example- If you take the topic Mobile Application Development, you can fill it with the set of keywords like- App development, phone app development, app programming, Android app development, IOS App development, cell phone development apps and so on. You also need to use Google analytics to track which set of keywords are drawing maximum traffic to your company website.

  1. Combine Head term and long tail keywords

Head term refers to the short keywords while the long tail refers to the phrases used in the search query. For example- You are blogging about a cooking recipe of Cheese Pasta. So, if a user enters only ‘Cheese Pasta’, it has more chances of giving generic information about cheese pasta which might or might not draw the traffic to your blog. But if you keep, ‘How to make Cheese Pasta’ along with ‘Cheese Pasta’, the visibility of your blog increases and will gain you potential visitors looking for the recipe.

  1. Analyze your competitors

Competition is very high in digital media, no matter which sector of business you are in. So, always keep a check on the keywords used by your competitors like what is driving traffic to their site, see if their keywords match yours and most importantly what they are missing out. Try to do a unique yet easy combination of long and short keywords for a better ranking. There are various online SEO services that deliver you the report showing the top searched keywords for your desired domain. You can also seek help from professional agencies.

  1. Use Google Adword Keyword Planner

After creating your set of combined keywords, set up an Adword account and use Google Adword Keyword Planner along with Google Trends. This will help you measure the traffic and search volume for your set of keywords. Chop off the ones that are drawing less traffic by observing the trend history and retain the set of keywords drawing maximum traffic for final finishing.

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Final Words

The following steps give you a complete guide on how to do keyword research for improving SEO and get your website featured in the top results in search engines.