Commerce Media – New Trend Reshaping Advertising and Marketing
13 Apr

Commerce Media – New Trend Reshaping Advertising and Marketing

By admin-2

Commerce media brings together elements of retail and performance marketing to help marketers meet full funnel goals such as brand recognition, customer insights, relevance, and conversion. Furthermore, commerce media enables media owners to unlock additional revenue opportunities by monetizing content through commerce.

This trend presents many possibilities, from social influencer marketing collaborations with direct purchase links, shoppable ads, and native or sponsored ads on travel, food delivery, and mobile apps, all the way through to social influencer ads featuring native ads or sponsored sponsorship.

Contextual Advertising

Contextual advertising places ads alongside content the viewer is currently viewing, making the ads more relevant to them, and increasing engagement and conversion rates. Furthermore, contextual ads comply with evolving privacy regulations without relying on personal data that relies on cookies as effectively.

Example: While browsing an article about running playlists, an audience member might see in-content ads for running shoes or apparel – an effective strategy for brands looking to promote their product directly to people who are actively researching it. This is why it is important for companies to know what is commerce media and how to utilize it. This can be enormously beneficial for your business.

In-market contextual targeting is another powerful advertising technique, enabling advertisers to reach users during the “purchase phase” of their journey by using ad networks and digital publishers to identify content that will reach your desired target audience at just the right time.

Keyword contextual advertising goes one step further by drawing upon digital publishers’ taxonomies to target buy-side platforms with audiences created through keyword contextual management systems (KCMSs).

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This technique helps reduce the risk of your ads appearing alongside irrelevant or potentially harmful content – protecting both brand reputation and sales performance. KCMSs are most often employed on the buy-side by DSPs using third-party keyword contextual management systems while more frequently implemented directly by publishers themselves using first-party contextual management systems to perform this kind of targeting directly on their platform.


Contextual Advertising


Native Advertising

Commerce media is an emerging trend that’s revolutionizing advertising and marketing, combining elements from brand marketing, performance marketing, and retail media to achieve full funnel goals. Commerce media focuses on consumer buying intent to target, personalize, and measure campaign effectiveness.

Native advertising is an integral component of commerce media, appearing similar to editorial content on platforms. This approach is less disruptive to users and allows brands to present products and services organically for increased engagement with users.

Furthermore, its precise targeting capabilities allow brands to reach their intended demographics or interests more precisely for more effective campaigns. You can click here to learn more.

Commerce media stands out from traditional digital ads by using more contextual and real-time targeting techniques, using data such as first-party shopping data from retailers and media groups for better targeting, personalization, and measurement; along with page-level information from its environment to support hypertargeting strategies.

Shoppable Advertising

Shoppable advertising is a revolutionary method of product and service promotion that leverages context to provide consumers with an authentic, seamless, and relevant experience. In an age of diminishing attention spans, commerce media provides businesses with an effective tool for reaching target customers with relevant promotions and information.

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Social commerce is a form of media commerce that enables content creators to easily integrate product listings onto their website or social channel through links or buttons embedded into videos, blog posts, or any other type of media content they produce. Social commerce makes shopping for products they see easy for viewers who see them through videos, blog posts, or any other type of media content created for viewing on YouTube, Vimeo, or social channels. You can click the link: to learn more about YouTube usage rates.

Commerce media networks have quickly become a trend in digital marketing. Following the COVID-19 pandemic and rising privacy regulations, marketers are searching for more advanced and highly effective digital advertising tactics.

Commerce media has seen this innovation translated into creative ad formats that seamlessly combine upper funnel brand messaging and product recommendations with lower funnel digital conversion strategies.

Ad formats that use influencers as advertisements have proven particularly successful on social channels, where their credibility and popularity entice audiences to engage with content produced by them and purchase related products from them. Because of this success, these ads have received substantial investment from publishers as well as brands.

Audience Targeting

As more marketing data is made available to marketers, audience targeting has become an integral component of any digital marketing campaign. Audience targeting allows marketers to reach specific prospects on the web based on shared behavioral characteristics such as demographics and psychographics; increasing profits with every advertising dollar spent.

Traditional audience segments consist of groups defined by shared characteristics like age, gender, parental status, and income. More recently, marketing strategists are beginning to group audiences according to lifestyle or interest profiles, such as sports fans, chefs, and theatergoers.