
How Important is Keyword Research in SEO

Keyword research is still vital to your search engine optimization (SEO) process and your overall victories with the search engine rankings. Without proper keyword research, you could be choosing the wrong search terms, which is likely to result in little to no organic traffic coming to your pages; you might even attract unwanted traffic. Check […]

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7 Marketing KPIs Actually Worth Tracking

Marketing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) allow you to measure progress towards your strategic marketing objectives. Focusing on the right metrics and choosing the most suitable marketing KPIs for your business is essential for your marketing strategy to succeed. All good marketing KPIs are tied directly to business growth. Forget about vanity metrics and tracking everything […]

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How Keyword Research Works in SEO

Keyword research plays a major role in SEO. It helps marketers identify the most used keyword and phrases that people will be entering in the search engines. It makes an approximation of the searched keywords and based on that, determines the rank of a website, blog or web page. It is not just about analyzing […]

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