How to Reset YouTube Algorithm in 2024
20 Mar

How to Reset YouTube Algorithm in 2024

By admin-2

YouTube may keep showing you videos that you are not interested in and related. Do not worry, you are not alone. You can reset YouTube’s suggestions for you to fix that. Therefore, in this guide, I will show you how to reset your YouTube algorithm in different ways. You can apply all these or combine them according to your needs. Think of you teaching YouTube to know you better. Therefore, it will suggest videos you enjoy.  Let’s get started on making your YouTube experience just right for you.

When you remove your watched history from YouTube, it will forget all it knows about you. You delete the recent videos which impacted your recommendations by doing this. This enables the algorithm to learn your new preferences. Upon first viewing videos, you could notice more generic recommendations. However, the recommendations will adjust to better suit your tastes as you watch more movies that show your interest. Here’s how to do it:

On Your Desktop

  1. Go to YouTube: Open your preferred web browser and go to the YouTube website. Ensure you’re signed into your account.
  2. Click on History: On the left-hand side menu, click on “History.” This might be under the “Library” section if you’re using a newer YouTube layout.
  3. Clearing Your History: On the right side of the screen, you’ll see “Clear all watch history.” Click on this option. A confirmation dialogue will appear; confirm to clear your history.

This method clears every video you’ve watched that affects the algorithm and ultimately leads the YouTube system to adjust your new watching habits.

On Your Mobile Device

  1. Open the YouTube App: Tap on the YouTube app on your phone to open it. Make sure you are logged into your account.
  2. Tap on Library: Look at the bottom right of your screen and tap on the “Library” icon.
  3. Go to History: Within the Library, find and tap on the “History” option.
  4. Tap on More Options: Next to the “History” title, tap on the three dots or the “More” option.
  5. Select Clear Watch History: From the options that appear, select “History controls” and then tap on “Clear watch history.” Confirm your action if prompted.
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This step is very important in our guide to resetting YouTube’s algorithm because it sets the stage for future improvements.

On Your Smart TV:

  1. Open the YouTube App: Using your smart TV remote, navigate to and open the YouTube application. Ensure you’re logged into your YouTube account.
  2. Access the Left Menu: On most smart TV YouTube apps, you can access the menu by pressing the left arrow button on your remote. This menu might automatically be on your screen when you open the app, depending on your TV model.
  3. Navigate to Settings: Scroll down until you find the “Settings” option. Select it by pressing the OK or enter button on your remote.
  4. Find and Select “History & Privacy”: In the settings menu, look for an option labeled “History & Privacy.” Select this to access your watch history settings.
  5. Clear Watch History: Within the “History & Privacy” settings, you’ll find an option to “Clear watch history.” Selecting this will prompt a confirmation to ensure you want to proceed. Confirm to clear your history.

By doing these steps on your smart TV, you clear away old viewing habits from YouTube’s memory and make room for new content suggestions.

These techniques help reset YouTube’s understanding of what you like to watch. Deleting your watch history is an effective way to adjust the recommendations, no matter what device you’re using. To further enhance your online visibility and engagement, use one of the best SMM services JustAnotherPanel. It can be a game-changer in managing your digital presence effectively.

  • Remove Specific Videos from Your History

Deleting all your watch history is a good method to reset YouTube’s algorithm. However, sometimes you might prefer to adjust your feed without completely starting over. At least in my case, I didn’t want to reset my watch history completely. In this case, you can just remove some of the videos from your history. Thus, you get rid of certain content that leads the algorithm to suggest undesired videos without completely deleting all your history. 

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This step allows you to remove specific content that could be affecting your recommendations, without having to delete all of your watch history. To make sure you’re improving your YouTube experience in a smart way, read this guide on how to do it on various devices.

On Your Desktop

  • Navigate to History: After logging into YouTube, click on “History” on the left-hand side menu. This might fall under the “Library” section, depending on your YouTube layout.
  • Find the Video: Scroll through your history to locate the video(s) you wish to remove.
  • Remove the Video: Next to each video, you’ll find a menu symbolized by three dots. Click it, then select “Remove from watch history.” This action will delete that specific video from your history.

On Your Mobile Device:

  • Open the YouTube App: Ensure you’re logged into your account.
  • Tap on Library, then History: This will take you to your watched videos.
  • Remove Individual Videos: Like on the desktop, tap the three dots next to the video you want to remove and select “Remove from watch history.”

On Your Smart TV:

  • Access History from the Menu: Use your remote to navigate through the YouTube app to find your watch history.
  • Select the Video: Use your remote to highlight the video you wish to remove.
  • Remove the Video: Options for managing your watch history should be visible, allowing you to select and remove individual videos.

You can fine-tune YouTube’s algorithm’s understanding of your tastes by removing certain videos from your watch past. This method works especially well if there are only a few videos in your past that don’t really show what you’re interested in.

  • Remove Certain Searches from Your Search History

Similar to watch history, certain searches can also affect the videos YouTube recommends to you. Here’s a way to delete individual searches from your search history:

On Your Desktop:

  • Go to YouTube: Open your preferred web browser and visit the YouTube website. Make sure you’re logged into your account.
  • Access History: On the left-hand side menu, click on “History,” then switch to the “Search history” tab next to the watch history. This might be under a different section, depending on YouTube’s layout updates.
  • Remove Specific Searches: You’ll see a list of your recent searches. Next to each search query, there is a “Remove” option symbolized by an ‘X’ or a trash bin icon. Click on it to remove that particular search from your history.

On Your Mobile Device:

  • Open the YouTube App: Make sure you’re logged into your account.
  • Go to Library, then History: Tap on the “Library” icon at the bottom right of your screen, then select “History.”
  • Switch to Search History: At the top of the screen, you might see different categories like “Watch history” and “Search history.” Tap on “Search history.”
  • Delete Specific Searches: Just like on the desktop, you’ll see a list of your search queries with an option to remove them individually.
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On Your Smart TV:

Removing individual searches from your search history on smart TVs may vary depending on the model and the YouTube app version it uses. Or you might have a network error on YouTube. However, most smart TV YouTube apps may not offer the direct option to remove specific searches from the search history due to interface limitations.

  • Remove “Not Interested” Content from Your Homepage

Managing the suggested videos that show up on our homepage is another important step to reset the YouTube algorithm and make our homepage more like what we like.

On Your Desktop:

  • Go to YouTube Homepage: Open your web browser, go to YouTube, and make sure you’re logged in.
  • Hover Over the Recommended Video: Find a recommended video you’re not interested in. When you hover over it, three dots (the “More” menu) will appear next to the video title.
  • Select “Not Interested”: Click on the three dots to open the menu, then select “Not Interested.” You can also select “Tell us why” to provide feedback and further refine your recommendations.

On Your Mobile Device:

  • Open the YouTube App: Ensure you’re logged into your account.
  • Find the Recommended Video: On your homepage, locate a video you wish to remove from your recommendations.
  • Tap on the Three Dots: Similar to the desktop version, tap on the three dots next to the video title or thumbnail.
  • Choose “Not Interested”: After tapping, select “Not Interested” to remove the video from your recommendations.


Does resetting the YouTube algorithm affect my subscribed channels?

No, resetting your algorithm by clearing history and adjusting recommendations does not affect your subscriptions. Your subscribed channels remain unchanged, and you will still receive notifications for new content.

How often should I reset the YouTube algorithm?

A: Reset the YouTube algorithm as needed, especially if you notice a decline in the relevance of suggested videos. Periodically reviewing and adjusting your preferences ensures YouTube continues to offer content tailored to your current interests.

Is it possible to completely reset the YouTube algorithm to its original state?

Completely resetting the YouTube algorithm to its original state as if you’re a new user isn’t directly possible. However, by clearing your watch and search history and removing specific videos or searches, you effectively prompt YouTube to relearn your preferences from scratch, which is as close to a full reset as you can achieve.

Can resetting the YouTube algorithm help discover new content creators?

Absolutely! Resetting the YouTube algorithm by adjusting your viewing habits and feedback can help you discover new content creators. As the algorithm adapts to your new interests, it will suggest videos from channels you may not have encountered before.