8 Common Web Design Mistakes to Avoid in 2023


    The internet is an interesting place. It can be hard to navigate and even harder to make your mark on the web. But with so many different websites out there, how do you make yours stand out? By avoiding these design mistakes:

    Too little white space

    White space is an important element of web design, but it’s easy to get carried away. If your website has too much white space, users may struggle to find their way around the site. This can be particularly problematic if you have a large site with lots of content that needs to be navigated quickly and easily.

    However, not enough white space also presents problems: when there’s no room for your page elements on the screen, they tend to crowd each other out and become difficult for users’ eyes to move between. Check out this web design company in Brisbane for example of a website with a good proposition of the white spaces. In such circumstances, even though users won’t find themselves staring at empty areas of the page all day long (as they might with too little white space), they’ll still feel overwhelmed by an excess of information—and this will ultimately lead them away from spending any time exploring your site.

    So what’s the solution? It turns out that optimal levels of white space fall somewhere between these two extremes—and fortunately, it isn’t hard for most websites’ designers (or clients)  to determine what that ideal level is!

    Unreadable text

    • Make sure your text is readable. Readability is a measure of how easy it is to read a piece of text, and it can make or break the overall user experience. You want to make sure that the font size, color, and style are all carefully considered so that the text appears as clear and legible as possible.
    • Choose an appropriate font size based on your audience’s needs. For example, if you want to convey information in large chunks of data (like headlines), then consider using small-sized fonts so that everything fits on one page without being too crowded together. On the other hand, if you want to draw attention away from something important but don’t have much space available within your design (as might be true during web development), then consider using larger-sized fonts instead!

    Broken links

    • Broken links are a big problem. When users click on a link, they expect to be taken somewhere else. If they aren’t, they can get confused and frustrated.
    • Avoiding broken links is easy if you follow these steps:
    • Use a link checker tool before publishing your site to ensure that there are no broken links. A link checker scans your pages for URLs that point to nonexistent pages or files on your server; it then tells you where in your code those errors occur so you can fix them.
    • Test your site after making changes—and make sure others test it too! It’s important to make sure the new version of your site works as well as (or better than) the old version did—not only from a technical standpoint but also from an aesthetic one.

    Slow loading times

    Slow loading times are a common problem on any website. It’s a huge turn-off for visitors and can cause them to leave your site. Several factors can contribute to slow loading times, including:

    • The server you use to host your site is slow.
    • The number of images on the page is too numerous or too large, which takes longer for your browser or device to render and load.
    • You have a lot of plugins installed, which may be slowing down your site due to increased overhead from loading their code in addition to all the other functionality that’s already included in WordPress (such as Jetpack).

    However, if you notice that pages load slowly even when they don’t have many images or plugins enabled—or they take an especially long time when there isn’t much happening on them at all—then this could mean there is something wrong with how fast files get transferred between different parts inside the server itself. If you think this might be causing issues with speed delivery then we recommend switching hosts right away because these kinds of issues usually occur because hosting providers aren’t using enough bandwidth resources available within each server cluster (i.e., they’re oversold), so while users outside those clusters might experience little problems during normal usage patterns like downloading emails every morning without issue; once one person starts watching videos daily through YouTube which require buffering data each time it attempts to load content from multiple sources then everyone else trying to do anything remotely strenuous will suffer similar consequences because those servers’ processors won’t be able

    Not enough color

    It’s no secret that color can be powerful. It can direct attention to important pieces of information, create a sense of warmth and comfort, and even impact how you feel about the site. But what would you do if someone told you not to use any color at all?

    It sounds crazy, but some people have followed this advice. They’ve created websites with only white backgrounds and black text—and they’re pretty terrible! The problem here is that when it comes to web design, less is not more: You need enough color so your site looks good and attracts people’s attention without making them feel like they’re staring at a seizure-inducing rainbow display (looking at you, epilepsy awareness ribbon).

    In general terms: You want to avoid using too many colors on your site; otherwise, things will get too busy and distraction will ensue (as seen above). Instead, focus on using just one or two main types of hues throughout the site instead of throwing them all together in an attempt at being “clever.” And remember: Less doesn’t mean more—it means less!

    Aesthetically unappealing

    When you’re designing your site, it’s important to remember those aesthetics are as important as functionality. When a website is aesthetically unappealing, people will be less likely to want to use it and more likely to leave. Here are a few ways you might make your site aesthetically unappealing:

    • Using poor color combinations
    • Using too much text
    • Not having enough white space

    To avoid these mistakes and make sure your website looks good, keep the following in mind: 

    1) Use high-quality images

    2) Use lots of white space

    3) Keep the text short

    4) Choose contrasting colors for links and headers (you can learn more about how contrast affects legibility here)

    5) Keep fonts consistent throughout the website (if possible, choose one typeface)

    6) Avoid using too many different fonts on one page because this can create confusion for users.

    No mobile version of the site.

    The mobile market is growing rapidly, and if your website isn’t optimized for mobile devices, you’re missing out on a huge audience. According to Google’s latest figures, 67% of Internet users own a smartphone and use it to access the web. That’s almost two-thirds of the world’s population! Mobile users are more likely to convert because they can easily make purchases on the go (think: right after work). They are also more likely to browse longer since they don’t have to sit at their desk or wait for someone else in front of them.

    Finally, there’s no denying that mobile visits have higher lifetime value than desktop ones. This means that even if a visitor doesn’t buy something from your site today, there’s still hope for them down the road because they’ll remember who was helpful and supportive when they needed help making decisions about products or services.*

    These mistakes can hurt your site traffic

    These mistakes can hurt your site traffic:

    • A difficult-to-navigate site. If people have trouble finding what they’re looking for, or if the navigation isn’t intuitive, they’ll go elsewhere. This is especially true of mobile users who will simply leave your site if it’s not easy to use on their phones.
    • A slow-loading website. The Internet is moving faster than ever before, and if your website takes too long to load, visitors will click off in frustration and go somewhere else. Mobile users are particularly sensitive to bandwidth issues because they typically have slower connections than those with PCs (and especially laptops), tablets, and smartphones at home or work often rely solely on 3G/4G cellular networks while out in the field (e.g., traveling), which may not provide reliable coverage from one location to another.


    The point is, you don’t want to make these mistakes on your website. It’s important to remember that even the best websites can be negatively impacted by design flaws. So make sure you avoid them at all costs!

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